On Tuesday morning Lafayette Gardens was the backdrop for a press conference introducing an initiative between NYCHA and Habitat for Humanity, International. The partnership creates a working relationship between The Haitian American Employee Association of NYCHA and the local Habitat for Humanity New York. The relationship will host volunteer projects at 11 Community & Senior Centers citywide, including Lafayette Gardens, during the next year. The proceeds of efforts will be used to send a team of Habitat & NYCHA employee volunteers to Haiti to build housing for survivors of the horrible earthquake that occurred a year ago.

The press conference was attended by NYCHA officials, politicians and Habitat for Humanity officials. It was held in The Community Center of Lafayette Gardens which was miraculously cleaned, decorated and updated overnight by the "magic fairies". Top administrators from Brooklyn Community operations were on hand to greet guests as the arrived for the announcement and luncheon.

Speakers included Chairman John Rhea, Commissioner Margarita Lopez, City Councilwoman Rosie Mendez and Executive Director Josh Lockwood of Habitat NY. Others in attendance included representatives from the offices of Al Vann, Marty Markowitz and Brooklyn Borough Management.

The speakers highlighted the partnership between NYCHA employees and Habitats efforts in earth quake stricken Haiti as a integral part of "Housing for Housing" of the chairmans cornerstone projects. Immediately following the announcement and speakers there was a photo opportunity for guests to be photographed painting a patch of wall in the community center with volunteers from Habitat for Humanity. A buffet luncheon followed.
NYCHA Officials, Haitian American Employees
and volunteers of Habitat For Humanity, NY
Chairman with NYCHA Haitian american Employees
and members of Habitat For Humanity NY
NYCHA Commissioner Margarita Lopez
NYCHA Chairman John Rhea
NYCHA Chairman John Rhea
and Lafayette Gardens R.A. President TYree Stanback
Brooklyn Borough Administrators
and Lafayette Gardens Resident Leadership Board Members

Brush with Kindness kick off event. Photo by Pete Mikoleski
NYCHA, Habitat for Humanity, Bring Volunteers Together to “Brush with Kindness”

A number of New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) community centers will have fresh paint jobs over the next couple of months. The Brush with Kindness program brings public housing residents together with NYCHA employees and Habitat for Humanity volunteers to paint community centers throughout the city.

"We want residents to be enthusiastic and see that we're keeping up with the times," said Tyree Stanback, Resident Association President at Lafayette Gardens in Brooklyn, the first development to receive a new coat of paint in its community center. "We're offering them an opportunity to participate and take ownership of their community center. People are less likely to treat their surroundings poorly if they put it together."

Brush with Kindness is part of the Housing for Housing Initiative, a partnership among NYCHA, Habitat for Humanity NYC, Habitat for Humanity International and the NYCHA Haitian-American Employee Association. Housing for Housing supports the rebuilding efforts in Haiti by raising funds and having participants travel to Haiti to rebuild permanent housing for families struck by the devastating earthquake in 2010. The Brush with Kindness kickoff was held at the Lafayette Gardens Community Center on January 11, 2011, the day before the one-year anniversary of the earthquake.

"Today we celebrate the power of communities coming together and, person by person, transforming their neighborhoods to ensure that the foundation for strong families and strong futures will endure," said NYCHA Chairman John B. Rhea.

"Together we will make NYCHA better and we will make housing better for others as well," said New York City Councilwoman Rosie Mendez, Chair of the Council's Public Housing Committee.

Since 2007, NYCHA and Habitat NYC volunteers have assisted in revitalizing public housing facilities. Brush with Kindness connects communities through simple acts of kindness so that families can live in safe and decent neighborhoods. The NYCHA /Habitat NYC partnership expanded in 2010 to include joint fundraising for the Haiti earthquake relief.

"We love to be joined by NYCHA residents and staff. We want it to be a true partnership, not just a handout from Habitat," said Habitat NYC Executive Director Joshua Lockwood.

For more information about the Housing for Housing Initiative, send an e-mail

View pictures from the event (Flickr)

The other community centers scheduled to be painted are listed below:

Lafayette Gardens Community Center (442 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn) Jan. 11, 2011

Campos Plaza Community Center (611 East 13th Street, Manhattan) Jan. 18-29, 2011

Baruch Community Center (300 Delancey St, Manhattan): Feb. 2-5, 2011

Riis Community Center (154 Avenue D, Manhattan): Feb. 8-19, 2011

Gun Hill Community Center (711 Magenta Street, Bronx): Feb. 22-26, 2011

By Eric Deutch
January 11, 2011

The weekend was one the most amazing and beautiful things to occur at Lafayette Gardens in a very long time. 60 people of all colors, walks of life and faiths joined together in 3 days of hard core cleaning and painting of the Community and Resident Centers. Our very own youth association was present in numbers to add their hand in the events and paint! the painting was followed up by a very powerful and moving luncheon and presentation by the students and guests of PS54. Thank you to everyone who participated and joined us for the important face lift.



*** The Brooklyn Bar Association Foundation Law Programs Committee, Volunteer Lawyers Project, and Lawyer Referral Service Present:
The Ties That Bind: Landlords, Tenants & Leases In New York City
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
6pm - 8pm
Brooklyn Bar Association
123 Remsen St.
Bklyn, N.Y.
Refreshments will be served. To reserve a seat call 718.624.0675 ext. 213 or

***Medgar Evers College School of Professional and Community Development - Adult & Continuing Education invites you to their Spring Open House.
January 19 - 21, 2010
6pm - 8pm
1534 Bedford Ave., 2nd Fl.
c/o Eastern Parkway
For more information call, 718.804.8850.

***The First Baptist Church of Crown Heights invites you to a Celebration of the Life & Times of Dr. Martin Luther King
Sunday, January 16, 2011
First Baptist Church of Crown Heights
450 Eastern Parkway
Keynote Speaker: Honorable Edolphus Towns, Member of Congress
10th Congressional District
Senior Pastor: Clarence Norman, Sr.

***The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President, The Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) and Medgar Evers College present the 25th Annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday January 17, 2010
10:30 am
Free! First Come, First Seated
30 Lafayette Ave.
***There will be musical performances by the Persuasions and the Rev. Timothy Wright Memorial Choir. Keynote Speaker: Walter Mosley, novelist and social commentator

***Emmanuel Baptist Church invites you to their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Service
Monday, January 17, 2010
Emmanuel Baptist Church
10am - 12 noon
279 Lafayette Ave.
Keynote Speaker: James A. Joseph, Former Ambassador to South Africa
Senior Pastor: Anthony L. Trufant

- "A life is not worth living if it
has no positive impact upon others." - JACKIE ROBINSON

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State Committeewoman / District Leader
57th Assembly District