The Best is Yet To Come!
- Condolences to Lurita Brown aka "L.B. Brown" of Clinton Hill Simply Art & Framing Gallery on the passing of her father.
- REMINDER: The Memorial Service for the late William "Bill" Saunders, former State Committeeman/District Leader of the 57th A.D. will be held as follows:
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Lafayette Ave. Presbyterian Church
85 S. Oxford St.
- The International Humanitarian Outreach Ministries, Council Member Jumaane Williams, The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President and the Interfaith Memorial Task force invite you to join the Haitian Community along with the many diversified communities in New York City for the 1st Annual Interfaith Memorial Service in honor of the 300,000+ people who died in the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. To RSVP, please contact (877)638.6516 or info@IHOMinc.org
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Brooklyn Borough Hall
209 Joralemon St.
- Share the Warmth with the ICL Tillary St. Women's Shelter. Please drop off your gently-worn coats at 200 Tillary St near Prince St. The donated coats will be distributed to 200 women at the ICL Tillary St. Women's Shelter. For questions, please contact Gerald Jones at gjones@iclinc.net or Dganit Tal-Slor at dtal-slor@iclinc.net.
State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, State Committeewoman/District Leader Olanike Alabi along with several other elected officials will host a forum on "Empowering Communities to Care for the Elderly."
Friday, January 28, 2011
More information to follow, but in the meantime you may contact the Office of State Senator Velmanette Montgomery who is the prime sponsor at 718.643.6140.
- Finally, last week I attended an Interfaith Breakfast with clergy members from the 57th A.D. and beyond hosted by the Office of the Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. The primary focus of the breakfast was Immigration Reform. Although immigration reform lies primarily within the purview of our federal government, the implications would be felt on the local level. As you may know, the southern part of the 57th A.D. has a large immigrant population and I look forward to keeping you informed about any new developments.
Please feel free to contact me about any issues, either by responding to this email, or by emailing me at olanike.alabi@gmail.com.
- "A life is not worth living if it
has no positive impact upon others." - JACKIE ROBINSON
State Committeewoman / District Leader
57th Assembly District
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